Our initial target audience was males that were above and around the age of 15, this was because teenagers enjoy thriller films and are able to understand everything that is going on. Considering thrillers are too violent for younger audiences and that elderly people find it hard to keep up with everything that is happening on screen we decide to have our target audience as males from the age of 15 to 30. We decided on a male audience because they tend to have a stronger interest in guns, violence and suspense but this is not saying that women won't enjoy the film as there will be a strong female character they can relate to.

Having a male character as the main role means that our target audience will be able to relate to the characters situation and lifestyle more easily allowing them to feel more connected with the film. From research we found out that our target audience like films such as the "Bourne Trilogy" and this led to the inspiration of having our characters on the run from an enemy. We found that our audience admired this movie and so kept some of the traits from it whilst having our own original ideas.
After reviewing the BBFC we worked out that our film fits into the 15 category as it contains frequent violence but not an excessive amount of foul language and no nudity which would have pushed it up to an 18