It was rated 15 as it was seen to have exteme suspense, strong language and violence; It involves the use of drinking and drugs, mild sex scenes- the events are very graphic and so would not be acceptable to be seen within a 12 bracket. There is a lot of events which put the film into a 15 bracket but the scenes do not provide enough to be put into the 18 bracket as it is still acceptable.
Warm Bodies - 2013 - 12A
BBFC said that Warm bodies contains:
They said that even though it is a horror film about a zombie who falls in love the company placed it at 12A because there isnt enough detail for it to come into the 15 bracket. There is more emphasis on the emotions of the two characters falling in love and trying to become human again rather than the gory zombie killing type films; similarly the zombies are not seen as scary like they are in the walking dead as they just look like 'slow moving people'. You only see a small amount of blood on the characters face , minimal jumpy scenes but the main graphic scenes that is seen are boneys chasing people, a fight and zombies being ran over.
BBFC said that the awakening has:
- Horror
- Violence/Threat
- Themes
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