In a thriller film suspense is essential to keep the audience intrigued. This film starts with the main protagonist confused about where he is and what is happening around him, this gets the audience interested because they also want find out why the protagonist is confused. This suspense is broken at the end of this scene where the train the main character is on is blown up, but this gets the audience even more fascinated as the main character is killed within the first 5 minutes of the film. This film uses mirrors to represent confusion and tension because when the character looks in the mirror it shows a reflection of someone else completely. This opening scene starts off with quite bright lighting but as it progresses the lighting starts to become darker and darker which slowly lets the audience know something bad is about to happen. Shadows work in conjunction with the low key lighting in the fact that the shadows become more and more prominent as the scene progresses, it also is used to emphasise which of the characters are important within the scene as the shadows cover up the characters that are unimportant. There is an aspect of isolation in this scene as it takes place on a train, this makes the audience fall into the conception that there is no escape for the protagonist. Although it is not shown in this opening scene I know that flashbacks are the key point of this film and because of how sudden they happen it can lead the audience to be confused at the same time that it uncovers more of the story. The music conforms to the codes and conventions because it helps us understand the mood of the character and it also gets louder and faster as the scene progresses to add to the suspense and confusion. Quick shots are used at the very start of this scene to show you whats going on around the character, like the spilling of the coffee, this adds to the disorientation of time as you don't really know when each thing is happening one after the other, all at the same time or in quick succession.
At the start of this film it is hard to identify all the characters from Propp's Theory as you have not met all the characters yet. However, it is easy to identify the 'Hero', as the whole scene is based round him, and it is also easy to identify the 'Princess' as she is the main character that the Hero interacts with.
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